Friday 24 April 2015

Homework 24/4/15

This week we are not giving out any homework. As you know it's been a busy week with Cleethorpes and silly sports day practises. We ask that your child still read, practise their spellings and times tables but we don't expect anything to be handed in. Thank you, Year 3 Team

Thursday 23 April 2015

So proud of year 3 today - well done, we had an excellent trip to the seaside!

Fast asleep on the way home from a lovely day out at Cleethorpes

Heading home!

Miss Doram on the bouncy castle!

Fun at the Magical Castle!

Dinner time!

Look what we uncovered..

Buried treasure!

On the beach!

The sea!

Ready for the day

We have arrived!

Waiting to see the sea!


On our way!